
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Optimal Seam Line Detection in Laplacian Pyramid Domain for Image Stitching
卷期 29:1
作者 Wu-Xia YanChuan-Cai LiuJun Hu
頁次 209-219
關鍵字 image stitchingLaplacian pyramidremote sensingseam lineEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201802
DOI 10.3966/199115992018012901018



Parallax handing is a challenging problem for image stitching. Optimal seam line method is employed in this paper to deal with the misalignment on panoramas caused by parallax problem. It’s an important method for orthoimage stitching in remote sensing. However, failures occur when it used in common image stitching due to the parallax problem. In order to obtain a better panorama for common image, the proposed approach mainly employs optimal seam line and contains the following three steps. First, the parallax problem can be alleviated by geometric correction. Then, the optimal seam line is detected within the overlapping region by dynamic programming in Laplacian pyramid domain. And images were blended by using blending trick on each corresponding level of the pyramids. Finally, the convincing panorama can be obtained by reconstructing the panoramic pyramid. The experiments demonstrated that the proposed method can obtain the clear and seamless panoramas.

