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篇名 手書真跡的《山海經》圖——汪紱《山海經存》圖像特色及其價值之探頤
卷期 41
並列篇名 Personally hand-painted Shan Hai Jing illustrations:An Examination on the Characteristics of Pictorial Expressions and the Value of Shan Hai Jing Deposit by Wang Fu
作者 江俊諺
頁次 055-096
關鍵字 汪紱《山海經存》《山海經》圖新安畫派Wang FuShan Hai Jing DepositShan Hai Jing illustrationsXin'an Painting School
出刊日期 201803




The Shan Hai Jing is an extraordinary Chinese classic presented with text and illustrations. Although its ancient illustrations had been lost in time, the characteristic of the pictorial expressions and the traces of the lost ancient illustrations were restored and brought back to light through the emergence of a heterogeneous versions of the Shan Hai Jing Illustration in the beginning of Ming dynasty to the end Qing dynasty. The Shan Hai Jing Illustration by Hu, Wen-Huan and Jiang, Ying-Hao in Ming dynasty are the two significant major sources in terms of the imagery approach, followed by other versions of the Shan Hai Jing Illustration in Qing dynasty.The dissertation shall highlight the characteristic of pictorial expressions of the Shan Hai Jing Deposit by Wang, Fu as a whole in the mid-period of Qing Dynasty (1692-1759). An examination on Wang, Fu and his work is firstly made and applied as the research method. Consequently, Wang, Fu is not a mere literary figure in the classical studies of Chinese with Jiang, Yong for Wang, Fu is also a great painter of the Xin'an Painting School of the Wuyuan county. Furthermore, the image and the structure of the illustrations in Shan Hai Jing Deposit by Wang, Fu is examined, with comparisons between various versions of Shan Hai Jing Illustration found in Ming and Qing dynasty, thus, forges the characteristics of the imagery illustrated in Wang, Fu’s Shan Hai Jing Deposit as a whole. As a result, the examination may save the Shan Hai Jing Deposit by Wang, Fu from the pity of being underestimated in the later days and, eventually, the value of Wang, Fu’s work will be constructed in terms of the imagery it portrays in Qing dynasty.
