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篇名 Sudoriferous cyst of the orbit after scleral buckling
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 鞏膜扣壓手術後發生之眼窩汗腺囊腫
作者 唐甄蔚鄭成國李東昇
頁次 039-044
關鍵字 ptosisscleral bucklingsudoriferous cyst眼瞼下垂鞏膜扣壓手術汗腺囊腫
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.3966/181020932018031601005


本篇病例報告為一位36 歲男性病患左眼接受鞏膜扣壓手術以治療視網膜剝離,術 後三年發生了眼窩囊腫,導致患者眼瞼下垂、眼壓上升以及眼球轉動受限。病患再次 接受手術將眼窩囊腫摘除並矯正眼瞼下垂,組織病理報告顯示,此囊腫為立方上皮所 組成,一些上皮細胞內含有Periodic acid-Schiff 染色陽性的顆粒,根據此組織病理報告 將此診斷為汗腺囊腫。眼窩汗腺囊腫之病例非常稀少而且多為先天性,作者在此提出 一例於鞏膜扣壓手術後發生之眼窩汗腺囊腫。


A 36-year-old man presented with an orbital cyst in the left eye three years after retinal detachment surgery with scleral buckling. The cyst was in the anteromedial aspect of the orbit resulting in ptosis, elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) and limited ocular motility. The cyst was totally excised and ptosis was corrected by frontalis sling procedure. Histopathology of the specimen revealed a solitary cyst lined by cuboidal epithelial cells. Some epithelial cells contained Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive granules. Accordingly, the diagnosis was a sudoriferous cyst. Sudoriferous cyst of the orbit is rare and often congenital. This case report illustrates that orbital sudoriferous cyst can develop after scleral buckling.
