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篇名 高職餐飲科就讀動機與續讀意願之研究-以2K 世代為例
卷期 56
並列篇名 Enrollment motivation and continuing intention of 2Ks at the F&B Department of senior high schools in Taiwan
作者 劉翠華楊瑟蓮陳瑞峰
頁次 115-130
關鍵字 2K 學生就讀動機續讀意願Generation 2Kenrollment motivationstudent retention
出刊日期 201707


近年受少子化、生源少之衝擊,高中職餐飲科無不傾力防止學生流失、留住學生。 而首度面對2000 年出生之2K 學生,其獨特屬性與續讀意願即為迫切議題。本文以網路 問卷立意抽樣調查全國餐飲科學生,以有效問卷492 份進行 SPSS 21.0 資料分析。研究 結果發現,2K 學生之就讀動機對續讀意願有顯著有正相關,但與轉科校有負相關,可 見就讀動機對續讀意願,有顯著預測作用。研究結果可為高中端學校研擬防止學生流失 策略之參考,並提供相單位政策研擬及後續研究之參酌。


Because of the decrease of birth rate in Taiwan, the recruitment of students has been getting harsher for overall high schools in recent years. For each school, to recruit potential students and hold them to graduation is the first priority. How to detect the enrollment motivation and continuing intention thus becomes the urgent issue. Particularly, the school year of 2015-2016 starts to confront the generation born in new millennium, 2000 AD. It is segmented as Generation 2K for their unique characteristics different from previous generations. This research therefore aims at these 2Ks studying at F&B Department in senior high schools. Through the on-line questionnaire survey, it is expected to find out the connection between their enrollment motivation and continuing intention. There were 492 questionnaires available for data analysis using SPSS 21.0. The result indicates that the enrollment motivations are positively correlated with continuing intention, but negatively with the transfer intentions. The finding could be useful for the schools and decision makers as dealing the issue of student retention.
