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篇名 在日韓僑的文學倫理:顛倒了的負罪感和告白寫作
卷期 45:3=526
並列篇名 Ethics in Korean Diaspora Literature in Japan: Writing of Inverted Guilt and Confession
作者 申寅燮
頁次 065-081
關鍵字 在日韓僑文學文學倫理日語寫作顛倒了的負罪感告白文學倫理性主題後∕脫殖民主義Korean diaspora literature in Japanethics in literaturewriting in Japaneseinverted guiltwriting of confessionethical motifpostcolonialA&HCI
出刊日期 201803


在日韓僑(Korean diaspora in Japan)是指在日本帝國主義時期,由於帶有強制性的移動而離散到日本的韓國人。他們對於原故鄉具有濃厚的思鄉之情,是在移居日本的過程中經歷了種種苦難的少數派人群。在日韓僑完整地展現了後∕脫殖民主義時期的矛盾,為我們理解由移居形成的現代世界提供了頭緒和線索,並擴大了和混種性、超越國境、超國家主義相關的文化研究。在日韓僑把壓迫自己的國家的語言作為母語使用,而把真正的母語韓語則放在次要地位,由此在尋找自身的民族歸屬感的過程中吃盡了苦頭。另外,在日韓僑在日本社會中也遭受到種種歧視,以自我為羞恥,並且具有少數民族的價值觀以及顛倒了的負罪感等這樣一系列特徵。針對這些特點,在日韓僑文學通過探索離散民的民族歸屬性,提出了倫理上的種種問題。在這裡,在日韓僑文學將這些人無法作為日本人生活,也無法作為朝鮮人生活的民族歸屬性的困境成為了自白的永恆主題,並通過進行自我的倫理追問這種獨特的方式表現出來。這種倫理性的表現,通過內化衝突的告白,克服了「日語寫作」和顛倒了的負罪感,成為了重新塑造這一倫理性的主題的重要表現機制。


The Korean diaspora in Japan formed in the aftermath of the forced movement to Japan during the period of Japanese imperialism. They are a minority of people who have nostalgia for their lost home, and suffer from the consequences of their move to Japan. The Korean diaspora provides a clue to understanding the world created by the migration, which is a reminder of the postcolonial problems. The issue expands the variety of cultural studies with hybridity, cross-border situation, and trans-nationalism. The Korean diaspora’s first language is the language of the nation that oppressed them. The Korean language, their or their parents’ mother tongue, is their second language, which causes identity confusion for them. In addition, while being despised in Japanese society, a member of the Korean diaspora is often characterized as internalizing inverted guilt, as a disgraceful person who deserves a minority status. In this regard, Korean diaspora literature in Japan raises the issue of ethics as a way of grasping for diasporic identity. Here, Korean diaspora literature in Japan has a unique way of expression. It interrogates the ethics of its own members by using the motif of the identity dilemma for literary confession, in which one cannot live as a Japanese, nor as a Korean. By confessing the conflicts in the wake of the migration as an inner story, these ethical expressions can be understood as important devices to overcome the ‘writing in Japanese’ and the internalization of the inverted guilt, so that the protagonist is reborn as an ethical agent.
