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篇名 Diaspora, Exilic, Migratory: Philippine Literature during the American Colonial Period
卷期 45:3=526
並列篇名 離散、放逐、遷徙:美國殖民時期的菲律賓文學
作者 Maria Luisa Torres Reyes
頁次 083-096
關鍵字 DiasporaExileMigrationRepresentationDislocationDisplacement離散放逐遷徙再現錯置逐出A&HCI
出刊日期 201803


離散、放逐和遷徙的經驗會令人失根,不但身體的位置錯 置,在想像中,如同被逐出「家鄉」。在當代世界裡,由於新自由主 義的全球化讓國家和民族在遷徙生活中飽受「家鄉的戰爭」所苦,失 根(無家可歸)也呈現出多方面的形式。在菲律賓自由邦時代,「家 鄉」的軌道和美國讓菲律賓獨立的承諾,締造了一場流散的交會。在 兩次世界大戰之間的時期,這種流散的行動指向了放逐,一種漂移。 在這段時期的文學裡,流散的軌道銘刻在隱喻和比喻中,成了時隱時 現的家、無家、回家,在這些稍縱即逝的意象裡,放逐成了一種意識, 在當下爭取獨立建國的奮鬥中,同時受到肯定與否定。


The experience of diaspora, exile and migration entails an uprootedness involving physical dislocation and imagined displacement from “home.” In the contemporary world, uprootedness (“homelessness”) takes manifold forms as neoliberal globalization renders nations and peoples vulnerable to “wars of homes" in their migratory lives. During the Philippine Commonwealth era, the trajectory of “home” with the American promise to grant Philippine independence set into play a diasporic encounter. In the Interwar Period, this diasporic engagement pointed toward the exilic—a dispersion. In the literature of the period, inscribed in metaphors and tropes was the trajectory of diaspora as tilapon which came in flashes of tilamsik (literally, “sparks”) of home, not-home, and back-home, in which the exilic became a consciousness that exile at once affirms and negates in the ongoing struggle for nationhood.
