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篇名 港臺電影文化新生力量的發源與互動 ──1960 至1970 年代
卷期 64
並列篇名 Emergence and Interaction of New Forces in Hong Kong and Taiwan Film Culture: The 1960s-1970s
作者 羅卡
頁次 001-036
關鍵字 冷戰電影刊物港臺電影交流《中國學生周報》《劇場》Cold Warfilm journalconnection between Hong Kong and Taiwan CinemaThe Chinese Students WeeklyTheatre Quarterly
出刊日期 201710


1960 至1970 年代,臺灣和香港都有一批熱愛電影的青年人在地以編刊物 和寫作引進西方的現代電影思潮,之後自行拍製短片,以電影發表會推動 自主拍攝。1970 年代初一些赴臺升學的港生,參與當地學院的電影活動, 辦刊物發表評論,亦參與拍製電影。臺灣則有一批影劇文化新力軍赴港加 盟;兩地亦有不少人到歐美學習電影,回來後在臺港影視界和學界工作, 把歐美現代電影的技藝及文化大量引進,促進臺港電影的交流和現代化。 本文引用包括當年刊物的記載、個人回憶、訪談等一手資料,追溯臺港新 電影文化的起源,整理出兩地新生力量的發源和交流,和往後的發展脈絡。


A group of young cinephiles in Hong Kong and Taiwan introduced new trends in western modem cinema to local people in the 1960s. They also made short films and organized screenings to promote independent filmmaking. In the early 1970s some of the Hong Kong students who studied in Taiwan actively participated in campus film activities, published journals to voice their views and opinions, as well as engaged themselves in filmmaking, while a bunch of Taiwanese cultural talents of film and theater moved to Hong Kong. In this period quite a few went to Europe and US for post-graduate film degrees. They came back to Hong Kong and Taiwan to take jobs in film or TV industry and universities. Besides introducing contemporary European and American film techniques and culture to Hong Kong and Taiwan, they contributed a great deal to the close connection between the two places. This article intends to locate the beginning of the new film culture of Hong Kong and Taiwan via writings in the journals published then, personal reflections, and interview. It hopes to sort out how the new cultural forces originated and interacted and how it developed afterwards.
