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篇名 The PLA and Taiwan Policy under Xi Jinping: One Joint Actor without Its Own Agenda
卷期 53:2
作者 Arthur S. Ding
頁次 044-068
關鍵字 Chinese military and Taiwanthe PLA and TaiwanXi Jinping and the PLAparty-military relationsthe PLA in Taiwan policy-makingMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.1142/S1013251117500035



After the Chinese Communist Party's 18th Party Congress was held in the fall of 2012t frequently asked questions were; fs Xi Jinping able to rein in the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and what is the state of Chinese party-military relations? What are the implications of this status for the PLA in China s Taiwan policy-making? What is the potential impact of Taiwan's leadership transition on China's Taiwan policy and on the PLA s role? This author argues that through a stick and carrot approach, Xi has become the leader of China, and has been able to rein in the PLA. His proactive and assertive approach in the context of China's growing capabilities has empowered him to control the discourse of Taiwan policy. In these circumstances, the PLA will continue to be one joint actor within the relevant apparatus executing Taiwan policy without its own agenda. Uncertainty as a result of the ruling party rotation in Taiwan is unlikely to change the PLA Is role.
