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篇名 中國「絲綢之路經濟帶」戰略對中亞之影響:從地緣政治觀點分析
卷期 62
並列篇名 China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt” Strategy and Its Impact on Central Asia: View of Geo-political Analysis
作者 蔡東杰秦偉騰
頁次 057-074
關鍵字 一帶一路中亞地緣政治陸權論邊緣地帶OBORCentral AsiaGeo-politicsland-power theoryrim-land
出刊日期 201804




Geo-political conception has usually used to observe how a new power rising influence its neighboring environment, and also as basis of geo-political theories. Mainland China locates geographically on the crossroad between land and sea, which bring her the pressure from bordering region and especially the sea powers since the late 19th century. However, after economic rising since 1980s and President Xi announced so-called “One Belt, One Road” strategy since 2013, China seems trying to expand its influence through land and sea approach in the same time for countering US regional arrangement. In this paper, we will focus on China’s policy to Central Asia first, then try to realize its strategic intention and the possible impact on macro-geopolitical framework.
