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篇名 從懷疑到信任:中高齡宗教信仰者的靈性學習歷程
卷期 51
並列篇名 From Suspicion to Trust: the Middle-aged and Older Adult Religious Believers' Spiritual Learning Process
作者 葉俊廷李雅慧
頁次 105-142
關鍵字 成人學習宗教信仰經驗學習靈性學習Adult learningexperiential learningreligionspiritual learningTSSCI
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.3966/172851862018040051004


靈性健康是達到成功老化的要素之一,個體要體驗靈性健康的狀態,需要透過生 命經驗的整合,涵蓋過去到未來的成長過程,但目前對於個體如何達到靈性健康 的學習歷程之相關研究較為缺乏,因此,本研究的目的是探討中高齡者投入宗教 信仰的靈性學習歷程。以現象學的方法,深入描述與分析受訪者的靈性學習經驗。 本研究採用半結構式訪談,總共訪談6位中高齡者,包含3位男性、3位女性, 受訪者的年齡介於49〜67歲,平均年齡是58.2歲。他們的宗教類型包含:1位 基督徒、1位天主教徒、3位佛教徒,以及1位回教徒。研究結果顯示:受訪者 靈性學習的經驗歷程歸納為四個階段,分別為嘗試接觸期,是指受訪者接觸宗教 信仰的初期階段;疑惑衝突期,是指學習過程產生的心理疑惑及衝突;學習反思 期,是指對宗教與靈性有較具體的學習與反思行為;以及靈性體驗期,是受訪者 從宗教信仰感受到靈性學習意義的階段。在靈性學習歷程中,受訪者能感受内心 的平靜、具備克服困境與心靈沐浴的内在力量、對生命的體悟,以及能夠為生活 改變、貢獻影響與充實當下的生命意義與價值,這些靈性健康能促進成功老化。


In previous studies and literature on both spiritual learning and experiential learning, we found that individual learning is a learning process utilizing past and prior experiences on future practices, namely, from the past to the future. Both literature and previous research paid much attention on individual learning in terms of how learners interact and gain experiences from the external world, self-life experiences, and reflections. From the study of spiritual issues, spiritual health is one of the factors of successful aging, as well as the positive significance of religion and spirituality, but it is difficult to fully understand the entire experience process of personal spiritual learning. However, the theory of experiential learning can be very helpful to further explore the spiritual learning process since the theory of experiential learning emphasizes the goal consciousness, action, reflection, feeling and experience of learning process. These concepts have already contributed to the current research to further explore the evolution process of personal spiritual value from a very simple perspective to a more advanced scope.
