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篇名 改進專業英語文教學之需求分析研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Needs Analysis for Improving ESP Teaching
作者 蘇佳君
頁次 034-043
關鍵字 專業英語文教學需求分析餐旅英文質性研究ESP teachingneeds analysishospitality Englishqualitative research
出刊日期 201706


本研究以五大人格特質與海外工作適任能力做為隨著全球觀光產業的蓬勃發 展,餐旅業已成為21 世紀的明星產業之一。餐旅業的快速發展亦帶動了就業機會 的增加。英語在當今職場中擔任商業交流與國際溝通的重要媒介。因應國際化潮 流,職場中對於精通語言能力和溝通技能的需求備受重視。本研究旨在探討台灣 科技大學學生在專業英語文情境中學習語言的需求及困難。樣本包括8 位非英語 主修學系學生修習18 週餐旅英語的課程。本研究採用質性研究設計來探究學生學 習專業英語文中所面臨的困境及需求。透過訪談模式來收集資料。研究結果試圖 找出哪些課程設計和方法學生希望教學者能統合至英語教學中。其次,研究結果 顯示學生對於專業英語文課程的意見是否存在顯著差異。本研究亦包含對於改善 專業英語文教學的方案及建議等之探討。


Along with the booming of global tourism, hospitality industry has become one of the star industries in the 21st century. The rapid growth in the hospitality industry has increased the number of job opportunities. English plays an important role as the medium for business and international communication in today’s workplace. Complying with the global trend, the demands for having proficient English competence and communicative skills have been emphasized for vocational purposes. This study aimed at exploring Taiwanese technological university students’ language needs and the factors that impact their learning while participating in an ESP context. The samples include eight non-English majors who enrolled in 18-week Hospitality English class. A qualitative research approach was employed to depict the needs of students’ English learning. Data were collected by means of an interview protocol. The findings can provide some benefits as follows. First, the findings tried to discover which course designs and methodologies students preferred their instructors to incorporate into the English class. Second, the findings showed that there was significant differences existed among students’ opinions concerning taking this ESP course. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for improving ESP teaching were also addressed in this study.
