
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 明清經學關聯性的一種考察—論清代官編《詩經》專著徵引明人的詮解及其他
卷期 51
並列篇名 An Examination of Relationships between Studies of the Shijing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
作者 楊晉龍
頁次 119-146
關鍵字 明清官書經學《詩經》《詩經傳說彙纂》《詩義折中》Ming-Qing periodofficial academic booksChinese ClassicsShijingShiyi zhezhongShijing zhuanshuo huizuanTHCI
出刊日期 201709




This paper examines relationships between studies of the Shijing, in order to explore the actual relationships of the studies of the Chinese Classics during the Ming- Qing period. Looking at how the Qing literati quoted Ming writers’ interpretations of the Shijing, in works such as the Shijing zhuanshuo huizuan (Gathered explanations of Zhu Xi’s Shijing) and the Shiyi zhezhong (Balanced interpretations of the Shijing), as well as citations in a large electronic database, it argues that the interpretations of the Shijing given by Ming writers can truly be found in the studies of the Shijing written by Qing authors and other official academic works compiled at the emperor’s order, thus proving not only that there should be an intrinsic relationship between studies of the Shijing during the Ming and Qing dynasties, but also that Ming studies of the Shijing influenced official academic learning in the Qing period.
