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篇名 Five-Day Workweek Plan: A Multifunctional Nursing Scheduling System
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 一例一休我不怕-多功能護理排班系統
作者 徐愬美賴湘芬施威竹孫瑤光莊淑霞葉惠慈
頁次 042-047
關鍵字 nursing scheduling system5-day workweek plansatisfaction護理排班一例一休滿意度TSCI
出刊日期 201805




Background: Scheduling is a recurrent time-consuming task for nursing management. After the Labor Law was amended to mandate a 5-day workweek plan, labor cost calculation became more complex. To address this complexity and comply with the new provisions of the Labor Law, this study established a multifunctional nursing scheduling system featuring mobile and computer interfaces. This system can facilitate cross-departmental teamwork through the sharing of scheduling principles and experiences. Purpose: The main goal of this project was to use a cloud-based monitoring interface to integrate shift scheduling with tracking of actual attendance and leave hours, in order to ensure compliance with labor and civil laws. The system was designed to provide cost estimates for night shift and overtime wages and track working hours and the accumulation of special holidays and leave hours. Based on the information gathered from the interface, staff managers can decide how to arrange and schedule staff shifts. Results: Implementation of the interface project led to cost-effective scheduling and enhanced procedural efficiency through improvements to the allocation of finite temporal and spatial resources. System effectiveness was estimated as 99.7% to 100%, which translates into an overall staff satisfaction rate of 93.3% to 100%. Conclusions: The system in this study was designed in response to new governmental mandates, which would have led to unavoidably high expenditure of time and human resources under the prior organization system. However, having demonstrated use of an automated nursing staff scheduling interface, we anticipate a more efficient and effective working environment.
