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篇名 數位乳房攝影系統之物理測試建議書
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 Recommendations for Physics Testing of Digital Mammography Systems
作者 黃怡璇葉美妤蔣詩偉劉亦齊廖英蘭蔡惠予
頁次 311-323
關鍵字 數位乳房攝影品質保證中華民國醫學物理學會工作群報告物理測試digital mammographyquality controlCSMPTtask group reportphysics testingTSCI
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201805_22(3).0010


中華民國醫學物理學會診斷工作群匯集相關文獻,歸納數位乳房攝影系統之物理測試彙整建議書。 於本建議書中,共包含乳房攝影設備初始評估在内共十六項物理測試項目,在每一測試項目中,皆概述 其測試目的、所需設備、測試概念及效能判定準則等,期除能提供執行數位乳房攝影系統品保作業之專 業人員做為參考依據外,亦可提供主管機關做為規劃適用於各廠牌之數位乳房攝影系統品保作業程序之 參考。


The purpose of this report is to review and recommend physics testing of digital mammography systems, proposed by the diagnostic task group of the Chinese Society of Medical Physics, Taipei (CSMPT). This report was integrated according to some related important references and reports. Sixteen testing items including mammography equipment evaluation (MEE) were proposed. For each item, testing purpose, required equipment, procedure and criteria were summarized. The report may serve as a reference for the staff involving in the digital mammography quality control program, as well as for the authority to implement related quality assurance standards.
