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篇名 人文與啟蒙的張力:多元視野下的新文化運動 ——《學衡》與《新青年》「人」之互證
卷期 45:5=528
並列篇名 The Tension Between Humanism and Enlightenment: The New Culture Movement from Multiple Perspectives——The Complementary Conception of Ideal Humans of Learning Balance and The New youth
作者 張寶明
頁次 003-022
關鍵字 人文啟蒙新文化運動HumanismEnlightenmentThe New Culture MovementA&HCI
出刊日期 201805




In the period of the New Culture Movement, the New Youth School publicizing their ideas by The New Youth and the Learning Balance School spreading their ideas by Learning Balance (XunHeng) had different conceptions of ideal humans they try to cultivate. On one hand, their discrepancy indicates the conflicts between the ideologies behind humanism and enlightenment; on the other hand, it also indicates the internal intension between the two cultural movements. The different conceptions of ideal humans of Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu represent the two forces of the new youth camp, but their conceptions have one thing in common, that is, the ideal humans are supposed to break away from the old traditions, have new moral code, ideals, and goals. They should be autonomous, independent, individualized “new” humans. In contrast, the ideal humans of the Learning Balance School are temperate, self-disciplined, restrained and moderate. This loopback, uncertain method of cultivating ideal humans are in sharp conflict with the straightforward method of the New Youth. Though both schools show their ultimate concern about the cultivation of ideal humans, they employ different methods as a result of their different ideologies. Their discrepancies are a manifestation of the tension between humanism and enlightenment. It is the existence of this tension that makes the development of culture have an internal dynamic structure, which effectively prevents some idea from going into extremities, and thus maintains the mobility of cultural development.
