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篇名 環境正義理念的發展脈絡
卷期 45:5=528
並列篇名 The Evolutionary Context of Environmental Justice
作者 石慧瑩
頁次 163-178
關鍵字 環境主義環境正義生態正義EnvironmentalismEnvironmental JusticeEcological JusticeA&HCI
出刊日期 201805




“Environmental Justice” is a worldwide environmental paradigm in recent years. However, as environmental value are highly recommended today, environmental literature has been sprung up with some terms that we are familiar but not exactly savvy. Environmentalism and Ecological Justice, which with high similarity to Environmental Justice found in many environmental discourses, are hard to differentiate the meaning. This paper aims to clarify all of these and explores the idea of Environmental Justice in depth. First, I will explain and analyze the evolution of the context from “Environmentalism” to “Environmental Justice”, enquiring the connotation of Environmental Justice concept and exploring if Environmental Justice can meet people's expectation as an environmental paradigm. Secondly, I will try to explore a major difference between the definition of Environmental Justice and Ecological Justice, and to justify the conception of “Ecological Justice”. Finally, I will focus on this question—Is Environmental Justice a misnomer or a successful evolution in the history of the idea of justice?
