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篇名 李通玄の教判論における世俗への視點
卷期 10
並列篇名 Focus on the Mundane World in Li Tongxuan’s Tenet Classification
作者 伊藤 眞
頁次 187-218
關鍵字 李通玄新華嚴經論十時教判世俗智悲Li TongxuanXin Huayan jing lungTenet Classification of the Ten Periodsmundane worldWisdom and Compassion
出刊日期 201804



Li Tongxuan, a 7-8 century Huayan practitioner, established a unique Huayan thought of his own in Tang China. The originality of Li’s tenet classification (panjiao) lies, not only in the structure of his classification based on individual sūtras rather than sets of teachings, but also in his focus on the mundane world (shisu) as the place of actual practices of compassion. It is in the mundane world that the Principle (li) of non-self/emptiness, guided by the transcendental Fundamental Wisdom (genbenzhi) within one’s mind, is given shape in acts of compassion as the Phenomenal (shi). It is this basic idea of the bodhisattvas’ practice that permeates Li’s tenet classification.
