
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 An Improved Weighted K-shell Decomposition Method for Complex Networks
卷期 29:3
作者 Zhenjiang ZhangXiaoyu TanShiyuan Tong
頁次 179-187
關鍵字 influence subject identificationinformation disseminationK-Shellnodes rankingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/199115992018062903016



The identification of influential nodes in complex networks has attracted much attention due to their significant theoretical significance and wide applicability. When designing an identification method for an unweighted network, existing methods also consider edges. In this paper, we propose a new improved K-Shell algorithm based on weight for complex networks, short for CNW-IKS algorithm. We use edge load-bearing and edge influence factor measure the local features of nodes, turning the problem of unweighted network to a weighted network. With the help of SIR information dissemination model to verify the validity and accuracy of CNW-IKS algorithm, the real social network simulation results show that the CNWIKS algorithm is more accurate for the division granularity to influence the size of the nodes. This method can provide theoretical support for the application of public opinion control and advertising marketing in complex networks.

