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篇名 2017年川普政府時期美國對中國政策之改變:新古典現實主義的觀點
卷期 112
並列篇名 The Change of U.S Foreign Policy Toward China during Trump Administration in 2017 from A Neo-Classical Realism Perspective
作者 鄭中堂
頁次 075-096
關鍵字 新古典現實主義外交政策川普政府意識形態印太戰略Neo-Classical RealismForeign PolicyTrump AdministrationIdeologyIndo-Pacific Strategy
出刊日期 201806


2017年1月美國總統川普(Donate Trump)在就職之後,簽署退出泛太平洋合作組織(TPP)的 行政命令,這項決定讓歐巴馬政府時期所推行的「亞洲再平衡」戰略,頓時失去主導亞太地 區經濟秩序的依據。有別於歷任的美國總統,商人背景與政治素人出身的川普總統,在對中 國的外交政策上也與前任總統歐巴馬有很大的區別。由於美國的政府體制是採取總統制,總 統擁有對外政策的最高主導權,決策者認知因素,成為分析美國對外政策的重要途徑之一。 因此,本文將採取新古典現實主義為研究途徑,希望透過理論與政策的結合,結合「權力」 與「觀念」兩項要素據以辨析美國對中政策的思維與選擇,有助於正確解讀川普政府對中國 的外交政策上的思維與選擇,作為觀察美國外交政策未來走向的重要依據。透過分析2017年 川普政府的對中政策,如何受到國際體系變化、國內政治層次與決策者的認知等三個變數相 互影響,回答上述的研究問題。


The United States President Donate Trump signed the executive order to withdraw from the Pan Pacific Cooperation Organization (TPP) after he took office in January 2017. This decision deviated from “Rebalancing Asia strategy,” was implemented by Obama Administration and U.S gradually undermined its own role in deciding the economic order in Asia-Pacific region. President Trump, who not only used to be a merchant but also an amateur politician, had a tremendous difference from President Obama in U.S-China foreign policy. Because the U.S government system adopts the presidential system, it means that the president has the final decision power of foreign policy. Researching the cognitive factors of policy makers has become one of the important ways to analyze the foreign policy of America. The purpose of this article is to try to interpret the Trump administration's thinking and choices on China's foreign policy through the combination of theory and policy. It will help observe the future course of U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, the focus of the study will analyze Trump administration’s foreign policy toward China in 2017. The U.S foreign policy is affected by the variables among policymakers’ perceptions, domestic issue and shifting of distribution of power in the international structure. In order to answer the above research questions,this article will adopt neo-classical realism as a research approach, which combines the concepts of power and ideology, to analyze the U.S strategies of perspective and decision toward China.
