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篇名 《淮南子》身體觀辨析 ——由生死問題及養生工夫切入
卷期 45:7=530
並列篇名 The Philosophical Analysis on the Views about Body in Huainanzi
作者 馬耘
頁次 059-076
關鍵字 《淮南子》身體觀精神造化HuainanziView on BodyMindSpiritFormGenerationDrive for GenerationA&HCI
出刊日期 201807




Huainanzi puts the most attention on the components of the body-mind, spirit, qi and form-bestowing them with profound theoretical meanings, and this article is to demonstrate how these components relate to one another and, furthermore, reveal their cosmological meanings. We argue that the views about “body”, though looking passive, are actually quite positive, and “body” is a sort of unity between heaven and man; however, such a positive aspect is extremely obscure and even slightly religious. Meanwhile, though the views of the body revealed in such chapters as “Searching out Dao,” “Seminal Breath” and “Spirit Beginning of Reality” seemly suggest the insignificance of life, they actually contain many theories about the improvement of health. This article is meant to make a survey about the views on body in Huainanzi and explain the how the futility of life relates to the improvement of health.
