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篇名 方以智對中西文化的比較與會通 ——以「質測即藏通幾」為中心
卷期 45:7=530
並列篇名 Yizhi Fang 's Comparison and Integration of Chinese and Western Cultures: With Special Focus on the View that “Zhice includes Tongji”
作者 劉元青
頁次 093-115
關鍵字 方以智靜天與穆天質測即藏通幾文化比較與會通Yizhi FangMeasurable “Tian” and the “Tian” related to human virtue“Zhi ce” includes “Tong ji”Comparison and Integration of CulturesA&HCI
出刊日期 201807




Yizhi Fang believed western culture was good at “Zhi ce”, but don't understand “Tong ji”. The reason is that Chinese culture and the western culture have different views on “Tian”, Westerners regarded “Tian” as an object to be measured, while Confucians in China regarded “Tian” as Dao which is related to human virtue. In Yizhi Fang’s books, the “Tong ji” is an absolute and eternal entity which never ceases, and the object of “Zhi ce” is external and multifarious. According to the principle of “unifying the intenal and the external, penetrating the one and the many”,Chinese culture can make up for the deficiency of loss morals of western culture, and western culture can cure the weakness of Song-Ming Neo-Confucians’ negligence of natural science. Therefore, Not only are Chinese culture and Western culture compatible, they can also enrich each other.
