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篇名 「選詩定篇」與「論述存說」──沈德潛建構詩學史觀雙軌並進之策略及其意義
卷期 26
並列篇名 Selected poems given chapter and discusses deposit says: Shen Deqian construct Poetics history strategy of double-track and thus its significance
作者 林淑貞
頁次 097-134
關鍵字 清詩話說詩晬語格調說神韻說詩史Qing PoetrySaid Shi YuGediao saysShen Yun saysHistory of poetry
出刊日期 201806




Pattern Theory strategy intended to "double-track-pronged strategy to establish their own poetic history by" selected poems given papers "and" discursive deposit said, do not cut the one hand, Zhu Shu as a template, they are, "said Shi Yu" as a theory, the two co-rail total frame Pattern Theory view of history put forward: respect for the Poetry, Peel Six Dynasties, Tang Dynasty initiatives, derogatory Song Poem anti Ming poetry Zhengqing poem of epic poetry views, and its intentions, it? This poem teach Esteem "Book of Songs"; advocate of Tang, as distinct from President Zhu Shu as old school French; transported to Italy, the gods change; Fourth, the successors of the poetic genre barge discussing blending. The overall perspective The The Pattern Theory poetic view of history to construct in Tang poetry 趣向, a path that when people study poetry.
