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篇名 身心障礙與性別
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 Disability and Gender
作者 陳麒文
頁次 422-427
關鍵字 女性主義身心障礙研究生育權母職經驗性教育feminist disability studiesreproductive rightsmotherhoodsexuality educationTSCI
出刊日期 201807
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201807_22(4).0010


《身心障礙者權利公約》提倡促進、保障與確保身心障礙者充分及平等享有所有人權及基本自由, 且締約國認為身心障礙婦女及女性常遭受多重歧視,應採取措施保障其所有人權及基本自由。在討論身 心障礙女性的經驗時,女性主義者常使用交織性說明多重壓迫的概念,在不同權力關係交錯運作下,展 現出差異和複雜性。本文探討身心障礙研究的三個議題:身心障礙者的生育權、身心障礙者的母職經驗 及身心障礙者的性教育,來詮釋身心障礙女性所遭受的壓迫和歧視經驗。透過主動探討和學習身心障礙 者的性別經驗,著重於身心障礙者的主體性和能動性,改善社會既存的歧視和不平等資源,共同拆解壓 迫的意識及行動。


The purpose of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities. The States Parties recognize that women and girls with disability are subject to multiple discrimination and shall take measures to ensure the full and equal enjoyment by them of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. With regard to the experiences of women with disabilities, feminists often use intersectionality to explain the concept of multiple oppressions, differences and complexity within different power relations. This article explores three issues in the disability studies: the reproductive rights, motherhood, and sexuality education of people with disability, and interprets the experiences of oppressions and discrimination suffered by disabled women. Through active exploration and learning of the gender experience of people with disabilities, we focus on the subjectivity and agency of people with disability, improve the discrimination and unequal resources in our society, and collaboratively deconstruct the consciousness and actions of oppressions.
