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日本著作權法第2條第1項第1款規定對著作物定義中,創作性之表現必須為具有個人個性 之表現,日本對於無人類行為參與之人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,AI)創作物,多數意見認 定此種產品無個性之表現,非現行著作權法所保護之產物。人工智慧之侵害行為在現行法的 解釋上,難以將人工智慧解釋其本身具有「法人格」,有關人工智慧「締結契約」之效力, 為「人工智慧利用人」與「契約相對人」間發生契約之法律效果。日本政府及學者對人工智 慧之探討,一般會以人工智慧學習用資料(学習用データ) 、建立資料庫人工智慧程式(AIのプ ログラム) 、人工智慧訓練/學習完成模型(学習済みモデル)、人工智慧產品 (AI生成物)四個 區塊加以探討。日本政策上放寬著作權之限制,使得著作物利用者可以更為靈活。為促進著 作之流通,在未知著作權人的情況下,可以利用仲裁系統(日本著作權法第67條)。在現今資訊科技技術快速成長的時代,面對人工智慧的浪潮,日本也亦步亦趨的推出相關人工智慧研發等方針及規範,後續也將在近一兩年內逐漸明朗化,對於日本著作權之後續發展值得我們持續觀察。


According to the Article 2.1.(1) of the Copyright Law of Japan that the creative performance must be with manifestation of personal character. Otherwise the Artificial Intelligence (AI) work that created without human behavior is not protected under Copyright Law. By the law, it is difficult to say the AI itself as having "legal personality". And the legal effects of the AI Contract between the "Artificial Intelligence User" and "Opposite Party of the contract". Japanese discuss AI in 4 parts that are 1. AI learning materials (学習用データ), 2. AI program (AIのプログラム), 3. AI training / learning completion model (学習済みモデル), 4. new AI product (AI生成物). The Japan's policy could be the flexible restriction of copyright law provisions. To promote the legal use of copyrighted works and promote the circulation of copyrighted works, arbitration systems (Article 67) could be used without knowing the copyright owner. People could also use the Extended Collective License (ECL). In the rapidly growing of technology, people would face the AI, Japan has announced the AI guidelines, the next-step will become clearer in the next few years that could be the reference directions of promotion and innovation in Taiwan.
