
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 重論王逸《楚辭章句》與劉向《楚辭》的關係
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Re-evaluation of the Relationship of Wang Yi’s Chuci zhangju and Liu Xiang’s Chuci
作者 陳鴻圖
頁次 063-092
關鍵字 《楚辭章句》王逸劉向《楚辭》底本Chuci zhangjuWang YiLiu XiangChucibased textTHCI
出刊日期 201806




A sixteen juan version of Chuci [the Songs of Chu] was compiled by Liu Xiang through the collection of works by Qu Yuan and others. While this corpus of verses is lost today, Wang Yi’s annotated work allegedly based on Liu’s anthology is preserved and transmitted till now. Most scholars take for granted that Wang Yi was annotating Liu Xiang’s compilation. This paper seeks to challenge this assumption. Not only it is unreliable to use Wang Yi’s preface to prove the linkage between the two texts, there is also no textual evidence that could suggest that the base text of Chuci zhangju [the Annotated Songs of Chu] was Liu Xiang’s work before the Song dynasty. Wang Yi was summoned to court to serve as an official collator, thus one would surmise he would have compared different editions of the works and would attempt to edit the text with the resources he gathered in the imperial library. Using the methodologies scholars adopted to edit the text during the Han dynasty as reference, the common practice of collation would involve a collection of different editions and elimination of repeated texts. This process enables the compiler to formulate a base text for further revisions. In this case, it is impossible to refer to Liu Xiang’s compilation anachronistically as a base text for Wang Yi. This paper seeks to account for the reason behind why most scholars assert that Chuci zhangju was annotated based on Liu’s compilation. I would argue this assertion was made mainly because publishers often placed Liu Xiang’s name under the title of Chuci in the bibliographies compiled in the Song dynasty. To use the relationship between Chuci zhangju and Chuci as a point of departure, this paper seeks to understand the concept of base text in early China. This will contribute to the study of the process of compilations and annotations.
