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篇名 荀子的同治哲學
卷期 45:8=531
並列篇名 Xunzi’s Philosophy of Joint Rule
作者 李承律
頁次 147-161
關鍵字 荀子同治聖王宰相反革命論XunziJoint RuleSage KingMinisterThought of CounterrevolutionA&HCI
出刊日期 201808




It was none other than Xunzi who established the principles of a distinctive Confucian political philosophy by drawing a comparison between the Confucian “Joint Rule by the ruler and the minister” (tong 同) and the Mohist “sole-governance by an absolute ruler” (du 獨). Xunzi regarded the ruler and the minister as the main agents of governance. The duties of the son of heaven are to appoint the minister and the hundred-officials, and share his ideas of governance with them. The duties of the minister are to look after and confer on the governance of the state as a whole. For that the role of the minister was extremely crucial, people comparable to Confucius were considered as the qualified. To govern all under heaven, ru-ists equipped with both the education and the virtue should be appointed as officials. Moreover, in the case of the misrule of the ruler, the minister should remonstrate grounding his principles on the Way (dao 道). However, when the ruler completely loses his legitimacy, Xunzi does not suggest revolution but self-preservation. One of the reasons that Xunzi promotes self-preservation is because the philosophy lacks the belief in “heaven” (tian 天) such as that of Mencius.
