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篇名 台灣地區某醫學中心BSL-3實驗室整修期間的緊急應變措施與風險評估之經驗分享
卷期 25:3
並列篇名 Experience Sharing of Emergency Response Measures and Risk Assessment During the Refurbishment of BSL-3 Laboratory in A Medical Center in Taiwan
作者 鄭雁方程雲詳于靜梅張錦標
頁次 211-218
關鍵字 BSL-3緊急應變CWA-15793RCA手法風險評估Emergency responseCWA-15793RCA methodRisk AssessmentTSCI
出刊日期 201807




Background: The BSL-3 laboratory is suitable for the processing of the third risk group microorganisms and the second risk group ones with high concentration or high risk of aerosol manipulation. It is used for the culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis operating 24 hours a day for most hospitals in Taiwan. In the inspection of Annual High Protection Laboratory Biosafety Check by Taiwan CDC, some of the BSL-3's intake and exhaust air duct systems were built by soft hoses which might have a risk of damage considered by the inspectors. It is recommended that the soft hoses are replaced with stainless steel rigid tubes to enhance the safety of the BSL-3 laboratory. Due to the inability to perform the clinical M. tuberculosis cultures during the refurbishment of BSL-3, and the patient's safety and medical quality were affected. This article mainly discusses emergency responses and risk assessments when BSL-3 laboratory was not workable and shared our experiences to the other domestic BSL-3 laboratories. Case Analysis: Due to the BSL-3 refurbishment period of approximately 2 months, the laboratory was unable to perform M. tuberculosis cultures. Using RCA method to analyze the causes of this incident which includes: (1) There are no backup BSL-3 laboratories. (2) The monthly sample volume is approximately 1,400-1,500. (3) The outsourced laboratories cannot be supported due to space and labor issues. (4)The Taiwan CDC does not integrate domestic accredited BSL-3 laboratories and there are no mutual supporting strategies. For the patient safety and medical quality, the emergency responses are as follows: Stop inspections, referral inspections, preservation of specimens and self-testing until the completion of the repair project, off-site inspections, and mobile laboratory tests. Finally, the off-site inspections were chosen for emergency response of this incident. Risk assessment: The risk assessments for off-site inspections are: (1) risks of biological preservation and personnel safety in the process of transport of samples; (2) risks of personnel familiarity with the environment and equipment for remote inspections; (3) risks of correctness and timeliness of reports. Conclusion: The BSL-3 is a high biological risk laboratory that operates 24 hours every day. According to the requirements of CWA-15793, routine operations must be stopped when regular maintenance or troubleshooting is performed. Because other domestic BSL-3 laboratories cannot be referral duo to space, equipment, manpower reasons, we suggested that the Central Competent Authority is advised to establish an emergency response plan for stopping BSL-3 operations and establish a domestic BSL-3 laboratory mutual support network. It is recommended to set up a domestic BSL-3 Laboratory Inspection Center to improve medical quality and patient safety.
