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篇名 一位憩室炎復發合併菌血症病人之護理經驗
卷期 29:2=102
並列篇名 The Nursing Experience on a Patient with Diverticulitis Relapse Complicated with Bacteremia
作者 王美云林怡君
頁次 272-281
關鍵字 憩室炎復發親水性產氣單胞菌diverticulitisrelapseaeromonas hydrophila
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201806_29(2).0010


本文旨在探討一位憩室炎復發之中年病人,因感染親水性產氣單胞菌併發菌血症,引發生理、 心理衝擊之護理經驗。照護期間自2015 年6 月7 日至6 月23 日,運用Gordon 十一項功能性健康 型態為評估工具,藉觀察、會談及護理評估等方式收集資料,發現三個主要健康問題為現存性感 染、急性疼痛及焦慮。筆者針對其身、心問題提供個別性護理措施,包含發燒及疼痛的舒適護理、 維持呼吸道通暢及功能、利用主動關懷及教導避免復發技巧減輕個案焦慮不安。另筆者藉此個案 的照護經驗,針對親水性產氣單胞菌感染作一文獻整理,期望臨床同仁對此感染症有進一步了解, 也建議臨床不可輕忽憩室炎此一常見的疾病可能造成的嚴重併發症。


This report described the nursing experience of caring a patient with diverticulitis relapse who had aeromonas hydrophila infection, leading to influence on his physiological and mental status. The nursing experience lasted from 6/7/2015 to 6/23/2015. Gordon’s eleven types of functional health assessment tool was used to assess the patient’s condition through observation, interview, and nursing assessment. The primary nursing problems were infection, acute pain, and anxiety. The author provided individual nursing measures on patient's physiological and mental problems, including fever and pain comfort care, maintenance of airway patency and function, avoidance of relapse by active care and teaching, and alleviation of patient's anxiety. The author suggested that nurses not to overlook a disease like diverticulitis and its serious complications.

