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篇名 以IPA 模式探討石英材料供應商服務品質之研究
卷期 7特刊1
並列篇名 Applying Importance-Performance Analysis to Improve the Service Quality of Semiconductor Quartz material supplier
作者 陳葦玲陳棟樑
頁次 090-100
關鍵字 半導體石英材料供應商服務品質重要-滿意度分析法Semiconductorquartz material suppliersservice qualityimportant-satisfaction analysis
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201808_7(S1).0010




This study intends to use important-satisfaction analysis(IPA)model to analyze semiconductor customers' research on the importance and satisfaction of quartz suppliers, identify factors to be improved, and propose improvement strategies to improve the quality of service provided by quartz suppliers. This study collected, compiled and analyzed the data from the questionnaires. I distributed 300 questionnaires. An empirical analysis on the data reveals the following findings: Most “quartz users” were most satisfied with the service quality of the quartz supplier's service; they were most satisfied with the “quick response from supplier's sales reps” and “good service attitude from them.; specific quartz users with higher education background put more importance in the quality of service provided by the quartz suppliers.; most quartz users need the quartz suppliers to improve on product material quality and payment terms. Based on the findings of this research, the author will draft strategies for improvement to help improve the service quality of quartz suppliers.

