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篇名 智慧型手機品牌與生產來源國效應之分析
卷期 7特刊1
並列篇名 -以APPLE、HTC、小米為例 The Effect of Brand and Country of Origin on Smartphone -a Example of APPLE、HTC、XIAOMI
作者 賴建華
頁次 137-146
關鍵字 來源國品牌效應交互作用Country of OriginBrand EffectInteraction
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201808_7(S1).0014




With the trend of globalization, trade investment barrier between countries reduces gradually, To increase competitiveness and lower cost, many companies move manufacturing sites to different countries. Country of Origin(COO) effects have become an important issue. The main propose of this study is explores how COO effects and brand effects influence purchase intention when buying smart phone. The results of this study can provide some suggestions not only for related industry but government. The study adopted the questionnaires survey and collected data from Northern Taiwan, and 309 valid samples were gathered. According to the results of this study, it shows that, both brand effects and COO effects do exist in purchase of smart phone, moreover, the interaction between COO and brand effects also exist.

