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篇名 口語式績效評比之分析
卷期 7特刊2
並列篇名 On the Analysis of Performance Appraisal using Linguistic Variables
作者 林高正丁介人蘇逸涵莊雅惠
頁次 159-172
關鍵字 模糊多屬性評估語意變數模糊算術凸和模糊加權平均Fuzzy multi-attribute assessmentLinguistic variableFuzzy arithmeticConvex sumFuzzy weighted average
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201808_7(S2).0017




Performance appraisal is an important management tool for the organization to grasp the internal state and motivate the personnel. In the evaluation, the scoring and calculation methods will directly affect the results of the evaluation, and then affect the achievement of the purpose. Using linguistic variables to evaluate, because more close to people's thinking and habits, has the advantages of easier to implement, easier to understand and more flexible. However, this method of evaluation will make the calculation process more complicated. In this paper, we discuss how to use the convex sum and the fuzzy weighted average to calculate the overall performance value, and to reduce the computational complexity and match the validity requirement of the appraisal.

