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篇名 性平機制與行政體系的拉鋸:大專院校性平業務承辦人的建制日常
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Gender Equity Within a Patriarchal Administrative System: An Institutional Ethnographic Exploration of the Frontline Workers in the Institution of the Gender Equity Education Act
作者 廖珮如
頁次 055-077
關鍵字 性別平等教育建制民族誌性/別暴力防治校園性平事件性平業務承辦人case officer of gender equity education committeeInstitutional EthnographyGender Equity Education Actsex and gender-based violence prevention
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.6618/HSSRP.201806_12(2).3


《性別平等教育法》自2004年通過實施以後,臺灣各級學校據此建立一 套標準化的校園疑似性侵害性騷擾事件處理原則。為了瞭解《性平法》的在地 建制,研究者訪談六位大專校院專任的性平業務承辦人,從第一線工作者的立 足點出發開展研究,佐以研究者的田野觀察,勾勒出在地建制的統治關係。建 制民族誌的研究提問方法得以讓研究者透過文本來具現化在地的統治關係,並 從《性平法》相關的文本導向在地行政體系產製的文本。本研究指出,徵人公 告的文本將承辦人形塑為行政體系最低階的行政人員,使得這一個重要的行動 者受制於在地行政體系的階層。在詮釋「性別平等」一詞時,行政體系往往將 性平業務詮釋為性平事件處理及防治宣導,致使承辦人將有限資源花在處理性 平案件及舉辦防治宣導做。承辦人的日常工作所仰賴的公文系統更具體呈現在 地行政體系的科層結構中,承辦人執行性平業務時囿於行政體系的上下位關 係,也限制他們能夠發展出來的工作知識。


After Gender Equity Education Act was enacted in 2004, all levels of schools were required to set up a standardized procedure to handle cases of sexual assaults and sexual harassment on campuses. Aiming at understanding the local institutionalization of the Act, the researcher interviewed six frontline workers whose everyday work is to carry out tasks assigned by the Act. Beginning the research from the standpoint of the frontline workers, the researcher also recorded her experiences as committee members and investigators across different local settings. In order to map the ruling relations of the institutionalisation of the Act, using Institutional Ethnography as a research approach enables the researcher to look for the texts that rule over the frontline workers’ everyday work. The interviewees5 experiential accounts direct the researcher to the texts produced by the local administrative system within which the frontline workers is framed as the lowest ranked administrator. Being trapped in the hierarchy of the administrative system, the frontline workers are less capable of demonstrating their expertise compared with those who work in the social welfare system. To improve the holes in the current system means that a supervisory system and a supporting network that is sensitive of local nuances is key to localize the Act across different campuses.
