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篇名 愷他命使用者之中醫體質分析
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Analysis of Traditional Chinese medical constitution among ketamine abusers.
作者 張尚智衛漢庭宋宛蓁趙品諭許中華
頁次 009-019
關鍵字 愷他命毒品戒毒中醫體質KetamineDrugAbstinenceTraditional Chinese MedicineConstitution
出刊日期 201806


目的:探討愷他命使用者的中醫體質,及比較使用劑量及戒除時間長短對中醫體質的分 布影響。 方法:於2016年11月至2017年03月參與昆明防治中心三級毒品講習的愷他命使用者 共有123位接受中醫體質量表的訪問及評分,體質取用以轉化分確認達致標準分 數後最高分者,若有超過一種以上,則取用最高分前兩者為複合體質。並以使用 平均劑量及戒斷期的不同討論分析愷他命對人體體質的分布變化。 結果:123位愷他命使用者中有100位受訪者完成體質統計;單一體質共53位,偏 頗體質中以陰虛(8位)最為常見,陽虛和氣虛(各7位)次之;複合體質共47 位,其中以陽虛/氣虛(6位),其次為陰虛/特稟質(5位)及氣滯/血瘀(4位 );合併統計中偏頗體質出現最多次的為氣虛(16.3°%),其次為陰虛(15.6°%)及 陽虛(14.9°%)。於使用劑量分組分析中,濕熱體質分數隨使用劑量不同而增 加(P-value:0.032);戒斷時間分組分析中,戒斷時間較長則氣虛質得分較低 (P-value:0.025),平和質分數較高(P-value<0.0001)。 討論:此研究希望藉由中醫體質問卷分析了解愷他命對中醫體質的不良影響及分布情形, 可幫助臨床上對於愷他命使用者的治療方向確立,並期待結果能提升社會大眾注 意,宣導愷他命造成損傷的事實給青少年族群,減少其接觸的意願及可能性。


Purpose: In this study, we explored the body constitution distributions among ketamine abusers under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based theory. We also explore the association between the TCM constitution and different ketamine dosage and abstinent periods. Methods: A total of 123 ketamine abusers recruited from the Taipei City Government Forced Drug Education program between November 2016 and March 2017. We performed questionnaire survey regarding demographic data, ketamine using profiles, and Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CCMQ) in order to identiy the TCM constitution among the ketamine abusers. Results: Of the 123 participants, 100 completed the CCMQ. Among the 53 participants who possessed a single body constitution, 8 respondents possessed a yin-deficiency constitution, 7 respondents possessed a yang-deficiency constitution and 7 possessed a qideficiency constitution. In addition, 47 respondents possessed a composite body constitution, while 6 possessed a yang-or qi-deficiency constitution, 5 possessed a yin-deficiency or special constitution; and 4 possessed a qi-stagnation or blood-stasis constitution. Respondents who used a high dosage of ketamine significantly exhibited a Wetness-heat constitution (P =0.032). Respondents with a longer quitting duration significantly obtained a lower score on qi-deficiency quality (P =0.025) and a higher score on gentleness constitution (P < 0.0001). Discussion: We used the CCMQ to determine the TCM constitution among ketamine abusers. It provides a TCM view for future evaluations and treatment for the ketamine abusers.
