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篇名 心安即可直言?從相似性-吸引理論與程序公平理論探討深層相似性與員工建言之關係
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Does Psychological Safety Promote Employee Voice? Investigating the Relationship between Deep-Level Similarity and Employee Voice Based on Similarity-Attraction Theory and Procedural Justice Theory
作者 陳怡靜吳宗祐游佳臻
頁次 027-064
關鍵字 心理安全感員工建言教育程度相似性深層相似性程序公平知覺psychological safetyemployee voiceeducation similaritydeeplevel similarityperception of procedural justiceTSSCI
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.3966/199687602018081102002




On the basis of similarity-attraction theory and procedural justice theory, this study aims to investigate the relationship between deep-level similarity and employee voice, and test the mediating effect of psychological safety and the moderating effects of subordinate-supervisor education similarity and employee perception of procedural justice in this relationship. We distributed matching questionnaires to 100 supervisors and 200 of their direct subordinates and finally obtained 176 valid supervisor-subordinate dyads, including 88 supervisors and 176 subordinates. The research results show that (1) procedural justice amplifies the positive effect of psychological safety on employee voice; (2) deep-level similarity enhances psychological safety; (3) education similarity weakens the positive effect of deep-level similarity on psychological safety; and (4) psychological safety mediates the relationship between deep-level similarity and employee voice.
