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篇名 公私營組織合作績效之兩手兼具能力統治觀點
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 An Ambidextrous Perspective on the Governance of Public-Private Partnerships
作者 尤珮力方世杰王瑜琳
頁次 107-152
關鍵字 公私營組織文化差異公私營組織合作績效組織兩手兼具能力組織設計理論組織間協調機制public-private cultural differencethe performance of publicprivate partnershipsorganizational ambidexterityorganizational design theoryinterorganizational coordination mechanismsTSSCI
出刊日期 201808
DOI 10.3966/199687602018081102004




There has been relatively little research conducted on the examination of performance of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Our understanding of conceptualizing the performance of PPPs, such as patenting, licensing, spin-in or/and spin-off ventures remains rather unclear. Following the literature on organizational design theory and organizational ambidexterity perspective, this study intends to clarify that interorganizational coordination mechanisms can increase the performance of PPPs through knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation, yet, the direct effects will be mitigated by public-private organizational cultural differences. Through the university-industry research collaborations, the current study will examine the performance of PPPs via a series of interviews implementing different sources of respondents, such as the public/national university’s top management, faculty members, and graduate students, and a private firm’s top executives, project directors, and project engineers. Through this richer explanation, we contribute to a greater clarity and better understanding of how ambidextrous organizations coordinate the knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation which can successfully promote the performance of PPPs, while also responding to public-private organizational cultural differences.
