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篇名 居住倫理理論體系的思考與建構
卷期 45:9=532
並列篇名 Thinking and Construction Systemically of Theory of Residential Ethics
作者 陳叢蘭
頁次 137-152
關鍵字 居住倫理體系居住需求倫理居住空間倫理居住人際倫理居住價值倫理The System of Residential EthicsThe Ethic of Residential Demand EthicThe Ethic of Residential SpaceThe Interpersonal Ethic of ResidenceThe Ethic of Residential ValueA&HCI
出刊日期 201809


居住倫理是人類日常生活倫理的重要構成,並以自己特 有的方式作用日常生活倫理並深化和拓展著人們對一般倫理理論的 認識。作為一種既浸潤生活倫理要義又彰顯生活倫理神韻且不斷追 問著「生活世界」的意義,引領人們對美好生活的追求的倫理類型, 居住倫理如同一顆大樹,有著自己的根系、枝幹、樹葉與果實。如 果說居住需要倫理是其根系,那麼居住空間倫理則是其土壤和環 境,居住人際倫理無疑是其枝幹,居住價值倫理當為其果實。由此 而論,居住倫理即是一個由居住需要倫理、居住空間倫理、居住人 際倫理和居住價值倫理所組合起來的理論體系。


The residential ethics belongs to the ethics of daily life, and in its own way, playing a role in it while deepening and expanding people's understanding about the general ethical theory. As a kind of ethical type, which does not only infiltrates the life ethics but also reveal the life ethic charm, and constantly inquiring the meaning of “The every-day world”, leading people to pursue a “good life”. It seems like a big tree with its own roots, branches, leaves and fruits. If the ethics of residential demand is its root, then ethics of residential space is its soil and environment, the interpersonal ethics of residence is undoubtedly its branch, the ethics of residential value should be its fruit. Shortly speaking, residential ethics is the theoretical system which is composed of ethics, of residential demand, space, interpersonal and valuable.
