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篇名 朱子論「涵養為窮理之本」
卷期 45:9=532
並列篇名 Zhu Xi7s Discuss on The Theme of “Conservation is The Basis of Investigation of Things”
作者 陳昊
頁次 169-182
關鍵字 朱子涵養窮理之本格物致知工夫Zhu XiConservationThe Basis of Investigation of ThingsRespectfulnessGongfuA&HCI
出刊日期 201809


朱子格物窮理之說影響深遠,以至學者往往忽略「窮理 之本」的問題。「涵養為窮理之本」,有三層含義:「學以尊德性 為主」,涵養具「價值優先性」,是心性工夫價值歸宿;論工夫次 第,「主敬以立其本」,不僅格物致知大學工夫,須一段涵養持敬 「小學工夫」作基礎,窮理更須「平日涵養」以為保障;「敬貫始 終」,即涵養貫穿始終,每一段格物工夫所窮得「義理」,都應切 己涵養、反身踐履。朱子「涵養為窮理之本」的工夫要義,是理解 涵養窮理如「車兩輪鳥兩翼」、「交相發」之說真意的關鍵。惟有 抉發此義,才能體貼朱子為學工夫的圓密處,避免以「支離」的視 野而見「支離」的朱子工夫。


Zhu Xi5s doctrine of Investigation of Things is far-reaching, so that scholars often ignore the basis of it. Conservation is the basis of Investigation of Things, there are three meanings: First, the main target of Learning is Self-cultivation, which means Conservation should have priority in comparison with Learning, and Conservation is the final aim of the cultivation of Gongfu; Second, the foundation of Learning lies in Respectfulness. Investigation of Things need to be based on Conservation and Respectfulness, either during XiaoXue or ordinary days. Third, Respectfulness and Conservation is the consistent work, that is, all the reasons or the meanings gain from Investigation of Things, Should be re-examine by and reflect on someone himself (or herself),then practice it. Conservation is the basis of Investigation of Things, it is the key to understand Zhu Xi’s thought of Learning and Cultivation. To increase awareness of the dialectical, flexible and comprehensive of Zhu Xi’s thinking, and to avoid the misunderstand of it, we should remember the basis of the Investigation of Things.
