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篇名 宜蘭縣三星鄉農特產業行銷與地方觀光發展之研究
卷期 57
並列篇名 Research on special agricultural industry marketing and local tourism development- Sansing Township, Yilan County Case
作者 王瑞琪陳義文陳世玉
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 宜蘭縣三星鄉農特產品地方行銷觀光發展Yilan CountySansingAgricultural Special ProductsLocal MarketingTourism Development
出刊日期 201801




This study took Sansing, Yilan County as a case and analyzed the following points: (1)operating characteristics of local industry vs. the demand for local marketing resources (2)the impact of tourism development to local industry (3)the effect of regional agriculture industry to local tourism development (4)the effect of local marketing to the promotion of tourism development. This study adopted Semi-Structured interview to explore the current situation of Sansing status. To analyze the impact on tourism development of Industrial marketing with regional agriculture industry conditions and characteristics, this study obtained the perspectives from industry, government and academic, to have interview analysis of industry, construction and cultural history. Regional agricultural industry enriched tourism development which can be useful for local industry marketing. On the top of that, the industry and tourism development must have a forward-looking integration and guiding direction to maintain the exploration and development. Moreover, to stabilize and strengthen the industrial can increase much value added to tourism development. This study suggests as follows: organic agriculture, sustainable engineering, environmental management, service differentiation and the creation of research-oriented characteristics of the five recommendations.
