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篇名 由類比音訊自動化建立樂譜系統研究
卷期 58
並列篇名 Develop and study an automatic system convert analog audio to sheet music
作者 游孟潔彭志瑋張鉯喬
頁次 039-058
關鍵字 音訊辨識MIDI 輸入數位化樂譜快速傅立葉轉換Audio RecognitionMIDI InputDigitized Sheet MusicFast Fourier Transform
出刊日期 201807


本研究中以類比音訊自動化建立樂譜為研究主軸,研究中利用 NAudio 取得取得音 訊,並偵測音訊振動強度端點做為一個音框,再針對音框內的音訊進行快速傅立葉轉換, 取得音框內所分析知音高參數,並利用音框能量以及波形偵測分析音符節拍,最後將其 音高與節拍以MIDI 格式輸出撰寫,使分析結果能匯至樂譜軟體程式,建立數位化樂譜。 研究中所提出來的取譜方式結合資訊科技及音樂領域相關需求,整合完成跨領域的研究 開發。不僅能方便快速的將類比音樂檔完成數位化建立,亦能有效的提供樂手再進行樂 譜輸入以及撰寫時之效率,未來不僅能提供樂器教學以及學習之協助工具,更能符合熱 門音樂以及音樂工作者在音樂領域上的需求。


An automatic system that can convert analog audio to music sheet was developed in this study. First, the audio signal was grabbed using NAudio library, and the audio frames was defined by detecting the endpoints of audio vibration intensity. Second, the pitch therefore can be calculated using fast Fourier transform from each audio frame, and the beat of the notes can be calculated from the waveform energy analysis. Finally, the pitch and beat of the notes will be generated to MIDI form as digital sheet music. The approach taken in this study that combines cross field multi- disciplinary including information technology, music, and physics. Not only the sheet music can be easily and quickly digitized, but it can also effectively provide musicians a way that generate the sheet music. In the future, it will be a powerful tool that can help and assist the music instrument teaching and learning. It also can fit the pop music workers' needs in the music field.
