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篇名 Application of 3D Printing to Medical Care and Rehabilitation Equipment: A Case Study of Needle Removers for Improving Medical Safety and Satisfaction
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 運用3D 列印於醫療護理與復健器材之創新: 以針頭卸除裝置提升醫療安全性及使用者滿意度為例
作者 任芳宜周佳燁
頁次 105-116
關鍵字 3D printing technologymedical care & rehabilitationsatisfaction3D 列印醫療器材創新臨床醫護與復健使用者滿意度
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.3966/181020932018091603001


根據研究調查第二型糖尿病人(家屬)居家缺乏胰島素注射針頭卸除的安全防護 設備,因此使用筆型胰島素注射器約有七成病人(家屬)曾被針扎過。針扎不僅會造 成肝炎、人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和致命性的疾病,也會影響心理健康。本篇的方 法包含運用光固化立體造型(stereolithography,SLA)3D 列印技術,創新研發胰島素 針頭卸除裝置,可將胰島素針頭由卸除器內直接倒入針頭棄置筒內丟棄,達到不需要 雙手回套,就能夠安全卸針,營造病人(家屬)安全,降低針扎感染風險更提升糖尿 病照護品質。因此,透過3D列印技術的興起,未來能夠推廣於醫療護理與復健的創新, 為人類醫療保健帶來重大的醫療貢獻與影響。


According to research surveys, the patients with type 2 diabetes often lack safety protective equipment for the removal of insulin syringe needles in their home. Approximately 70% of the patients and their families using an insulin pen have been pricked by its needle. The needle-stick not only potentially causes hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and fatal diseases, but also affects psychological health. The method in this study includes the use of stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing technology for innovative research and development of an insulin-pen- needle-remover. This insulin-pen-needle can be safely removed from the remover and directly discarded into the disposal bin without recapping with both hands, so that the safety of patients/their families can be ensured, the risk of needle-stick infection reduced, and the quality of health care for the patients with diabetes improved. Therefore, with the appearance of 3D printing technology, this study was aimed to explore the innovations applicable to medical care and rehabilitation.
