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篇名 願景領導之初探研究
卷期 117
並列篇名 An Exploratory Study on Visionary Leadership
作者 劉乙儀
頁次 073-088
關鍵字 領導願景願景領導leadershipvisionaryvisionary leadership
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201809_(117).0002


本研究採用文獻分析法(literature review)瞭解願景領導的定義、內涵與 相關研究,並依據文獻分析結果獲致以下成果:(一)願景領導是一種強調共 同建立目標,進而引導成員實踐的教育領導理論;(二)願景領導實施策略, 包含「願景承諾」、「履行願景」、「善用資源」、「團隊學習」、「促成行 動」、與「評鑑機制」;(三)臺灣研究場域多聚焦在國民中小學階段,其它 教育階段成果較為缺乏。 依據上述研究成果,本研究提出:(一)提供願景領導相關研習課程; (二)持續探究願景領導相關研究;(三)建構本土化願景領導之內涵等三項 具體建議,以供未來相關研究之參考。


This study performed literature analysis to understand the definitions and implications of visionary leadership. Based on the analysis, the following results were obtained: (1) visionary leadership is an educational leadership theory emphasizing that the principal establishes goals collectively with teachers and leads teachers to realize the goals; (2) the implementation strategies of visionary leadership involved committing to the vision, fulfilling the vision, making good use of resources, team learning, stimulating actions, and adopting accreditation mechanisms; and (3) most of the domestic studies have focused on junior high and elementary schools; therefore, a lack of visionary leadership outcomes in other educational stages were observed. According to the aforementioned results, this study proposed three recommendations: (1) the education authorities should provide training courses related to visionary leadership for school principals; (2) scholars can continue to explore visionary leadership; and (3) localized content of visionary leadership should be developed. This study can serve as a reference for future studies.
