
Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management

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篇名 Integrating Fuzzy Delphi with Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multiple Criteria Inventory Classification
卷期 3:1
作者 Golam KabirRazia Sultana Sumi
頁次 022-034
關鍵字 Multicriteria inventory classificationFuzzy Delphi Methodfuzzy analytic hierarchy processtriangular fuzzy number
出刊日期 201301



A systematic approach to the inventory control and classification may have a significant influence on company competitiveness. In practice, all inventories cannot be controlled with equal attention. In order to efficiently control the inventory items and to determine the suitable ordering policies for them, multiple criteria inventory classification is used. In this paper, a systematic and logical approach is structured for multiple criteria inventory classification through integrating Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) with Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Fuzzy Delphi method used to identify the most important and significant criteria and, Fuzzy AHP is used to determine the relative weights of the attributes or criteria, and to classify inventories into different categories. To accredit the proposed model, it is implemented for the 351 raw materials of switch gear section of Energypac Engineering Limited (EEL), a large power engineering company of Bangladesh. Implementation results show that the proposed method can be used in inventory classification.
