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篇名 中醫方藥對失眠症之臨床應用
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions for Insomnia
作者 張瑞樹
頁次 056-060
關鍵字 失眠症中醫證型臟腑氣血複方單味藥性味InsomniaZangfuQi BloodFormula Drug-Odor
出刊日期 201705




Insomnia has been more and more trend and with age growth its ratio also with of increased. Poor sleep quality is a widespread problem that affects about one-third of the general. The relative report found that short sleep duration, long sleep onset latency, there are spirit poor, and attention not concentrated, and thinking force and judgment declined. The traditional Chinese medicine’s(TCM) formulas and drugs by the basis of traditional Chinese clinical diagnosis of Zangfu(臟腑),and Oi(氣) or Blood(血) theory cured for insomnia. According to different TCM syndrome types of insomnia with the traditional Chinese medicine prescription of formula and single herb for treatment.
