
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地方文化活動契約委外的績效觀感:客家節慶利害關係人的角度
卷期 66
並列篇名 Perceived Performance of the Local Cultural Campaign Contracting Out in Taiwan: The Stakeholder Perspectives of the Hakka Festivals
作者 孫煒
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 文化活動契約委外績效觀感績效衡量客家節慶cultural campaigncontracting outperceived performanceperformance measurementHakka festivalTSSCI
出刊日期 201806




Taiwan’s elected local administrative leaders have been keen to organize cultural campaigns, most of which are contracting out to private vendors. However, given the large amount of money spent, rigorous performance measurements are often lacking. Based on the complex nature of cultural campaigns, this article employed perceived performance approach and developed four core performance indicators to measure innovation, accountability, quality and effectiveness in outsourced cultural campaign stages. The article targeted local Hakka festivals, including traditional festivals (Yi-Ming Festival) and contemporary festivals (Tong Blossom Festival). Using a principal-agent framework, this article interviewed stakeholders including the Hakka administrative agencies contracting out the campaigns, the contractors, local nonprofit organizations and participating public to determine their perceptions of campaign performances. Furthermore, the reasons for differences in performance perceptions are also explored. Finally, according to the research findings on the outsourced cultural campaigns, this article recommended policy suggestions and institutional revision to improve performances.
