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篇名 「繼善成性」的詮釋與明清之際的人性論
卷期 45:10=533
並列篇名 The Interpretation of “Ensuing the Dao is Goodness, Completing the Dao is Nature” and the Theory of Human Nature in Late-Ming and Early-Qing Period
作者 廖璨璨
頁次 163-176
關鍵字 方以智王船山繼善成性天人相續習與性成Fang YizhiWang ChuanshanEnsuing the Dao is Goodness and Completing the Dao is NatureBetween Heaven and Human BeingsHuman Nature Completing with AcquisitionA&HCI
出刊日期 201810




The interpretation of “ensuing the Dao is goodness, completing the Dao is nature” in the Great Appendix arose some important discussions in the theory of human nature from Song dynasty. Scholars in Late-Ming and Early-Qing period, such as Fang Yizhi and Wang Chuanshan, use nature-in-common (gong xing), nature-in-individual (du xing), nature-with-acquisition (xi xing) and the stage between Heaven and human beings to interpret it respectively. What’s more, Fang and Wang emphasize especially on the function of acquisition (xi) during the development of human nature. This kind of interpretation shows some great differences between the thoughts in Late-Ming and Early-Qing period and Song-Ming period. Concretely speaking, the differences of interpretation embody in two aspects. In one aspect, they modify the theoretical approach “principle is good so that human nature is good” of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, and maintain the theoretical approach “human nature should be learned from the material force”. Based on this, human nature should be discussed from three stages: Heaven, between Heaven and human beings, and human beings. In the other aspect, they assert the development of human nature during one’s life, and advocate that human nature is completing with acquisition so that one’s nature has the possibility to become perfect.
