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篇名 The Results of Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) on Teachers and Students
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 師生對於教學評量之有效性評估
作者 張又勻黃淳婷黃筱君林之綺林敬嘉盧瑀祥楊士賢
頁次 125-136
關鍵字 student evaluation of teachingteacher-student interaction教學評量教學互動
出刊日期 201803


近年來,對於教師的教學評量已從紙本操作轉為透過網路線上填寫。而位於台灣中南部地區的一所 科技大學學生必須在下學期選課前填完所有教學評量,否則無法進入該選課系統。然而,部分同學反應: 透過教學評量機制,在教學方式上並未看見任何顯著的改善。因此,在本論文中,我們將探討師生對於 教學評量的看法以及教學評量之可信度。此研究採用問卷調查,分別為針對教授及學生之不同兩份問卷。 參與此項研究的對象為四個學院,共404 名學生和11 名教授。調查結果指出此評量系統在師生之間有中 間程度的一致性。整體而言,此份研究透過教師教學評量系統來詮釋師生之間相互有效影響的重要性。


The method of completing student evaluation of teaching (SET) has been changed from paper to online investigation in recent years. In one of the colleges in South-central Taiwan, students have to finish online SET before the next semester’s courses selection. However, few students indicated that they weren’t aware of any improvement after filling out SET. Therefore, the aim of this article attempted to explore the teachers’ and students’ opinions and the validity of SET. This research involved a survey, comprised of two sets of questionnaires concerning teachers and students. Four colleges of 404 students and 11 teachers participated in the study. The results of this study on SET showed a medium level of consistence between the teachers and students. Overall, this study might be of importance in explaining the useful effect and influence between the teachers and the students through SET.
