
中國學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 隱沒的才子佳人 ──崑劇《西廂記》折子戲之場上嬗變
卷期 40秋
並列篇名 The Fading Scholar and Beauty: The Shift on Stage of the Drama Fragment of Yuan Zaju, Story of the Western Wing
作者 洪逸柔
頁次 059-094
關鍵字 西廂記折子戲崑劇家門科諢Story of the Western WingDrama FragmentKunquJiamenBuffooneryTHCI
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6238/SIS.201809_(40-2).03




This essay aims at studying the reason why the Story of the Western Wing, a classic of Yuan Zaju, changed from a classic scholar-beauty romance drama to the Comedy of Tie and Chou. Popular on stage of Kunqu Opera, the lyrical Guanmu, romantic plots and the image of Zhang Sheng and Cui Ying Ying faded away in the southern version of Story of the Western Wing. Such a shift was driven from the adaption of the Story of the Western Wing in the southern version. The modification of Guanmu, performances of each type of character and the sense of aesthetics improved the popularity and entertainment, while the strong lyrical affection decreased. At the same time, the texts and the rules of Qu of the southern version wasn’t refined and strict enough for it to develop into a typical opera performing the singing of Sheng and Dan. In Qianjia Era, with the maturity of the art of Jiamen in each fragment, expertizing performance or buffoonery of Tie Dan, Fu Chou, Da Mian and Xiao Chou stood out and became an artistic feature that based the drama fragment Story of the Western Wing in the theater. Eventually, the theme of scholar-beauty romance blurs in the performance of Jiamen and buffoonery, and turns the Story of the Western Wing into an ironic comedy featuring the buffoonery of Tie and Chou.
