
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Sentence Classification Using Novel NIN
卷期 29:5
作者 Yan-Ping FuYun LiuZhen-Jiang Zhang
頁次 250-259
關鍵字 data miningdeep learningNINsentence classificationtext classificationEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201810
DOI 10.3966/199115992018102905020



Sentence classification is basic problem of natural language processing, thus the ability of accurately modelling sentences is pivotal to classification performance. We describe a novel NIN (Network In Network) to train on top of word embedding for sentence-level classification tasks. The noval NIN consists a conventional convolutional layer, a micro neural networks layer named perceptron layer, global average pooling and a softmax classification layer. We modify conventional NIN with decreasing the layer of perceptron and applying an effective activation function to adopt for the modelling of sentences classification. We demonstrated the excellent classification performances with novel NIN on two datasets: small scale binary sentiment prediction and THUC news.

