
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 勞動關係中違約金條款之研究 —— 以我國法院判決為中心
卷期 60
並列篇名 The Study of Liquidated Damages and Penalty Clause in Employment Contract: Focus on Judgment in Taiwan
作者 周兆昱
頁次 041-086
關鍵字 勞動契約損害賠償預定違約金懲罰性違約金離職後 競業禁止最低服務年限違約金過高酌減Employment ContractLiquidated DamagesPenaltyNon- Compete ClauseMinimum Length of EmploymentReduction of Liquidated Damages and PenaltyTSSCI
出刊日期 201807




Liquidated damages and penalty clause (the “CLAUSE” same below ) is an agreement between both parties of contract as the compensation for creditor when debtor violates the contract. Taiwanese courts apply the curtailed strict scrutiny for the CLAUSE disputes concerning employment contract, hence both parties of employment contract have high autonomy when exercising such CLAUSE under the principle of freedom of contract. However, the CLAUSE in employment contract is not indisputable, as many countries prohibit the agreement on the CLAUSE in employment contract as exemplified in the Labor Standard Act of Japan. This article argues that, under the premise that the related regulations remain unchanged, the only approach to prevent the abuse of the CLAUSE in employment contract is to classify the type of the CLAUSE, and create rules of interpretation. Accordingly, this article classifies the CLAUSE into three types: violation of contract, infringement, and violation of discipline in workplace. For the first one, the penalty shall be prohibited for preventing the unjust profit of an employer due to employees’ breaching of contract. Further, it is suggested that when adjudicating on liquidated damages of an employment contract, lower courts shall follow the Supreme Court’s latest opinion by taking inquisitive investigation to affirm the reduction of burden of proof by employees.
