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篇名 頭城外澳接天宮玄天上帝信仰之發展與實踐
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Development and Performance of the Belief in Xuantian Shangdi Practiced by Waiao Jietian Temple in Toucheng
作者 盛翠穎
頁次 083-122
關鍵字 玄天上帝武當山外澳接天宮宗教實踐Xuantian ShangdiMt. WudangWaiao Jietian Templereligious practice
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.3966/168437382018091701005




In Taiwan, Xuantian Shangdi (玄天上帝) is one of the most worshiped deities. The belief in Xuantian Shangdi was conveyed to Taiwan by the ancient people coming from mainland China during Ming-zheng period (明鄭時期,1661-1683). Being a great consolation to the immigrants, it has developed quickly. Waiao Jietian Temple (外澳接天宮), located in Toucheng township in Yilan County, was founded in 1843. Its belief in Xuantian Shangdi originated from Fashi Zenwu Temple (法石真武廟) in Quanzhou City in Fujian Province (福建省泉州市). Following the pioneering steps of the immigrants in Toucheng (頭城) and under the guidance from Xuantian Shangdi, Waiao Jietian Temple has developed a characteristic belief in Xuantian Shangdi in its own style. Based on the scriptures about Xuantian Shangdi, this essay tries to analyze and investigate religious factors like organization, celebrations and activities, rituals, and interactions among temples according to the data collected from Waiao Jietian Temple so as to reveal the status of the performance, development and spread of the belief in Xuantian Shangdi in Waiao Jietian Temple.
